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Supreme Court Wont Allow Oklahoma To Reclaim Federal Money In Dispute Over Abortion Referrals


Supreme Court Rejects Oklahoma's Attempt to Reclaim Federal Funds


Oklahoma had filed a lawsuit against the federal government, arguing that it should be allowed to withhold federal funds from organizations that provide or refer for abortion services.

The state claimed that these organizations were violating a state law that prohibits the use of state funds for abortion.

Court's Decision

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court sided with the federal government, holding that Oklahoma could not withhold federal funds from organizations that provide or refer for abortion services.

The Court found that Oklahoma's law violated the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which gives federal law precedence over state law.

The Court also found that Oklahoma's law was not a valid exercise of its police power because it did not further a legitimate government interest.

Impact of the Decision

The Court's decision is a major victory for abortion rights advocates.

It ensures that women in Oklahoma will continue to have access to abortion services, even if they cannot afford to pay for them out of pocket.

The decision also sends a strong message to other states that are considering passing similar laws.

