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Councillor Karen Shore

Introducing Cllr Karen Shore: A Dedicated Advocate for Her Community

Serving with Passion and Commitment

Cllr Karen Shore is a highly esteemed representative of her community, holding the positions of Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways. Her unwavering dedication to her constituents is evident in her tireless efforts to improve their lives.

Fighting Hard for a Better Deal

Cllr Shore believes that everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed. She is fiercely passionate about representing the interests of her constituents and ensuring their voices are heard. Whether it's advocating for better healthcare, supporting local businesses, or tackling pressing environmental issues, she is committed to fighting hard for a better deal for all.

Championing the Environment and Highways

As Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways, Cllr Shore is responsible for protecting and enhancing the natural environment. She is a strong advocate for sustainable practices and works diligently to reduce pollution, promote biodiversity, and create green spaces for residents to enjoy. Additionally, she is actively involved in improving the safety and accessibility of highways, making it easier for people to get where they need to go.
