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Cryptocurrencies By Github Activity

Github Commit History of 191 Cryptocurrencies

WEB Ranking Top Cryptocurrencies by GitHub Developer Activity

Specifically the joint efforts of Polkadot DOT and its canary network Kusama KSM were at the top of the list with 4,384,883 total commits as of February 2, 2023. This is a significant lead over the third-ranked project, with over 1 million more commits.

WEB In this line as of February 2 2023 Polkadot DOT and its pre-production network Kusama KSM leads the

As of March 2, 2023, Polkadot DOT and its pre-production network Kusama KSM continue to lead the GitHub development activity among the top cryptocurrencies.

WEB As of March 2 2023 Polkadot DOT and its pre-production network Kusama KSM lead the GitHub development

This collaboration highlights the importance of open-source development and community involvement in the growth and success of blockchain projects.

WEB Uncover the Top Cryptocurrencies with the Most Active Development and Github Activity

The Top Cryptocurrencies By GitHub Development Activity by Doogie Coinmonks February 2023 provides valuable insights into the ongoing development and innovation within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
